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Optometry on Orangethorpe - Quality Eye Care in Buena Park, California

Optometry on Orangethorpe is dedicated to providing the most comprehensive eye exams to patients throughout Buena Park. Our eye exams are designed to detect eye diseases, even at the earliest stages. We also have a large selection of contact lenses and frames for you to choose from, with styles, brands, and colors to suit every face and preference.

We believe in setting the standard for excellent vision care. We are dedicated to educating our patients so that they in turn may educate others. Your eye health is our top priority. We strive to exceed your expectations by providing the best service available in a professional and friendly atmosphere.

Why Choose Optometry on Orangethorpe?


Our highly trained, compassionate team make the difference between a good and great visit.


Our practice serves the entire family; generations of great vision, stunning eyewear and full service eye care.


We have one of the most extensive eyewear collections in the area. We stay on top of trends and styles.


We're right in your backyard! Forget about having to travel far for great care, walk-ins are welcome!

Eye Exams & Optometry Services in Buena Park, California

At Optometry on Orangethorpe we welcome patients of all ages to our comfortable optometry office. Our warm and trusted eye doctors provide personalized optical and medical eye care services to satisfy your family’s needs at any age, from pediatrics to geriatrics. Depending upon your age, lifestyle and overall health condition, vision care requirements change. In our friendly clinic, we become familiar with each individual patient in order to customize eye exams and treatment options.

Our family eye care services include eye exams for kids and adults, vision correction and management of age-related eye disease. Located conveniently to serve Buena Park residents, we offer hours to suit every family’s schedule.

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Phuong (Nancy) Nguyen, OD
Hollie Huynh, OD
Featured Eye Care Services
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Whether you wear daily, weekly or monthly disposables, or conventional (vial) lenses, check out our selection of lenses that fit your needs.

man use phone in MRT

We carry the latest European and American designer eyewear collections in a variety of styles, colors and materials.

woman getting eyes checked

Learn about eye exams, what's involved in a comprehensive exam, and special considerations for kids and contacts.

Reviews from Happy Patients
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2 months ago
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